Burrard Inlet Science Symposium & Yes Agenda Summit Videos and Slides

The Burrard Inlet Science Symposium was a day-long event that brought together First Nations, and scientists and resource managers from local, provincial, federal, academic, and environmental institutions. The objectives were to discuss Indigenous and western science, and work toward identification of strategies and tactics that will improve the overall health and integrity of the inlet, as well as to solicit and confirm commitment by interested parties to progress collaborative and coordinated action.
We unveiled the updated Burrard Inlet Action Plan, provided a status report on action plan implementation, and examined the cumulative environmental, cultural, and human health effects of historic changes in the environment.
You can find video of all presentations as well as accompanying slide shows below.
Opening Prayer, Song & Remarks
Gabriel George Sr., Chief Maureen Thomas, Andrew Day
History of Bivalves at Barnet Marine Park
Carleen Thomas and Ginevra Toniello, Tsleil-Waututh Nation
Burrard Inlet Action Plan Update
Patrick Lilley, Kerr Wood Leidal
Water Quality Objectives Update
Anuradha Rao, Tsleil-Waututh Nation
Ocean Pollution Priorities in Burrard Inlet: Update from the Pollution Tracker
Peter S. Ross, Ocean Wise
Physical Oceanography: Indigenous and Western Science Perspectives
Ernest "Iggy" George Sr. (Tsleil-Waututh Nation) and Susan Allen (University of British Columbia)
Salish Sea Marine Survival Project: Implications for Burrard Inlet
Isobel Pearsall, Pacific Salmon Foundation
currently not available
Governance Models for Cumulative Effects in Burrard Inlet
Jessica Clogg, West Coast Environmental Law
slides coming soon!
Valued Components for Burrard Inlet
John Konovsky, Tsleil-Waututh Nation
Yes Agenda Summit
The Yes Agenda Summit focused on everything that we should be saying 'yes' to while saying 'no' to the proposed Kinder Morgan pipeline and tanker project.
0:00 Opening Prayer, Song, and Remarks
Charlene Aleck and Ben West, Tsleil-Waututh Nation Sacred Trust Initiative
5:10 The Benefits of Clean Energy Mark Tizya (watch in HD)
27:18 The Yes Agenda: Global Trends and the Pace of Change Tzeporah Berman (watch in HD)
44:05 Keynote Speech David Suzuki (watch in HD)
1:40:00 Questions & Answers Session
The Benefits of Clean Energy
Mark Tizya
The Yes Agenda: Global Trends and the Pace of Change
Tzeporah Berman
Keynote Speech
David Suzuki