TWN says Yes to renewable energy

The new solar array powering the TWN Administration Building
Yesterday, the Tsleil-Waututh Nation (TWN) officially unveiled a major new solar power installation. The 350 solar panels will supply power to the TWN Administration building, saving an estimated $29,000 in energy costs each year, and making it the largest ground-mount solar power project in Metro Vancouver. This is the second solar power project in the Tsleil-Waututh community, following a smaller scale project that powers the community daycare centre. The project unveiled yesterday provides a model of renewable energy for other governments to follow.
Dennis Thomas, Whonoak, Senior Business Development Manager with the TWN Economic Development Department says, “we already use solar to power 90% of our TWN day care. And we really want to go down this path of economic sustainability, renewable energy, green energy. And through current leadership and past leadership, they really strive for our nation to go down this path.”
This leadership is in direct contrast to the policies of the government of Canada which still plans to expand oil and gas production at a rate that exceed climate targets. TWN is demonstrating that alternatives to fossil fuels and high-risk projects are not only possible, but are happening within the territory. Tsleil-Waututh is supportive of development, provided it aligns with our values and upholds our Tsleil-Waututh law. Finding opportunities for sustainable development is key. Tsleil-Waututh has been actively working to restore the health of our territory through supporting projects that meet our goals, including to once again be able to harvest healthy, wild, marine food from Burrard Inlet.
TWN has a clear vision for our territory and a commitment to the communities who share these lands and waters. This commitment involves working to stop the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion to protect the air, land and waters from harmful impacts. It also involves demonstrating what is possible, and what we are saying “yes” to. Investment in this solar power project is evidence of that vision in action.
Take a look at this TWN Solar Project video produced by TWN Band Member Jeff Sisson.
Chief Leah George-Thomas and Dennis Thomas, Whonoak, Senior Business Development Manager with the TWN Economic Development Department sharing the news of the solar power installation at TWN